Monday, 13 February 2012

Chinese landscape painting

One of the art genres I've enjoyed finding out about since we arrived in Hong Kong is landscape painting.

I like the idea of a long, scrolled painting, assembled like a narrative for the arm chair traveller: one that tells the story of a journey, the different people you meet, the physical places you pass through, and the different emotional and thinking states you experience.

Think of a journey you have made, and how it affected you. Were you in haste when you began? Worried en route? Relaxed? Sad? Angry? Could you tie your ideas into a landscape? Can you draw the entire story, from start to destination?

If you want to research styles of drawing, look at some Chinese landscape painting through the centuries. The Hong Kong Museum of Art has an excellent range. If we can't make it to a collection, find some inspiration on the internet.

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