Monday, 31 October 2011

That's my dream

Look at images of the new building for CityU Hong Kong in this week's Time Out. Find out what you can about the designer, Daniel Libeskind. Watch the following video; he explains some of his approaches to architecture.

Design a building for Hong Kong. What would your building be for? Who would use it? Where would you locate it?

And for round-the-world buildings ... here is the Canon Creative Park Architecture Museum.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Skulls, lots of skulls.

Yippee. We are into Hallowe'en.

Visit skull a day and see if it gives you any ideas.


Monday, 17 October 2011

Graphics for communication

Graphic design uses images to communicate.

As you hit 7Eleven this week, look for the logos used to catch your eye or promote a product. Let's look at images on windows, drinks cartons, at the tills, and on your monkey cards.

Direction notices, prohibitions, company information all use similar images.

What other symbols do you see around Hong Kong? What logos would you create?

Monday, 10 October 2011

Ai Weiwei

Find out about Ai Weiwei.

A good place to begin is here, then let's have a conversation about art, authority, China, and politics.

(I have biscuits.)

Monday, 3 October 2011


How would you interpret that word?

You could make a model, or choose to illustrate or paint a landscape. You could take a photograph or make an animation.